Content Disclaimer - The erotic stories of Anais Nin have been a point of contention over the years, some consider them to be too taboo while others understand and see the poetic intention of her boundary pushing writing of the erotic. But some may find themes in these books uncomfortable and triggering. Themes found in her books include; incest, BDSM, rape/coercion, adolescent sex and sexuality and violence.
Our Take - While Anais Nin fits into the genre of erotica, her stories are much more than just that. Anais Nin wrote about sex and sexuality during a time of high sexual censorship, especially in literature written by women. She also wrote from her own feelings, dreams and experiences. Her diaries, which have been published, highlight the ways in which her own life heavily influenced her writing. While her style and use of language is extremely poetic and sensual, sometimes the content of the stories can be uncomfortable. She has received a lot of criticism for her themes of incest, however, she had an inappropriate and troubling sexual relationship with her own father. Her stories were not just stories of sex, but rather stories about the complexities of human relationships, no matter how taboo or unconventional. There is a reason that Anais Nin wrote about topics that few dare to bring up, it is no easy thing publicly exploring the taboo. And although published over a century ago, I would say few authors since have been as boundary pushing as Anais Nin.
Evocative and superbly erotic, Little Birds is a powerful journey into the mysterious world of sex and sensuality.
From the beach towns of Normandy to the streets of New Orleans, these thirteen vignettes introduce us to a covetous French painter, a sleepless wanderer of the night, a guitar-playing gypsy, and a host of others who yearn for and dive into the turbulent depths of romantic experience.