Let us paint you a picture: you’ve booked a few days away from your regular life and you’re looking to entertain yourself beyond the screen (perhaps at Hedon House ?) We’ve found the following activities, made specifically for adults, to be particularly stimulating if you find yourself seeking slow forms of play – or foreplay.
States of Play
We’ve divided them up into adult themes and adult scenes, so that you can choose your adventure based on how physical you’d like to be (some of us are stoked with mental foreplay, am I right?) There are activities to be enjoyed all by yourself, with a partner, or as a group – and most of them rely on analogue resources. The best part? The rules are entirely up to you.

Solo Games
Adult themes
Knowledge is sexy. This game is admittedly a little educational, but you just might learn a kinky thing or two – and turn yourself on in the process. S&M: A Beginners Guide is a deck of cards that expands on common BDSM terms. Shuffle, select a card, then journal about the themes/topics that resonated with you and your pleasure practice. What things turned you on/off unexpectedly? What scenarios would you be curious about pursuing? How does this make you feel in your body?
- If you find it particularly challenging to get ‘into your body’ or your feelings, the Art of Touch Cards are a great way to reconnect. Prompting practices for embodiment, connection and awakening, these cards can be used solo, with friends or lovers.
Adult scenes
Vacuuming, scrapbooking, puzzles; go about your day as you normally would, only naked. Of course, within reason, legal jurisdictions and common sense.
Pack your favourite kind of erotica and work yourself into a tizzy, one chapter at a time. The aim is to read as many as possible, without coming. (Honestly, it only gets better when you do!)
Partnered Play
Adult themes
Spoiler: Not everyone wants to get physical. These games are designed to stimulate the mind, build connection and intimacy ahead of any touching. The We-Vibe Come Together Cards are designed to inspire curious and connected conversations. Start with the Intimate Insights cards for more tuned-in talks developed by We-Vibe’s experts. Of course, if you find yourself in the spirit for touch, switch it up with the Passion Prompts.
Movie nights are lovely, but if you’re seeking more interesting ways to woo your lover, check out Date Nights Creative Ideas . Simply draw a stick from the tube and follow the prompts for 100 more enjoyable ways to spend time with your special someone.
Adult scenes
Some decks prompt action, others cue introspection, either way they’re designed to help you build intimacy with a partner and form deeper connections. We really love the Sexology Deck , as it includes intimate conversation prompts, and lusty bedroom activities. But, there are other flavours of prompt cards (like the F*cking Hard Fitness Card Deck and Kama Sutra Cards ) for those interested in penetrative play!
Roll the dice and see what comes up. From foreplay to kink , sex dice are a simple way to prompt predetermined actions without having to brainstorm on the fly! A great way to get back into your body and give your partner or yourself permission to enjoy sensations in their purest form.
Candlelit company? Check out the Glow In The Dark Sex Game for a board game that escalates erotically very quickly. Lights optional.

Adult themes
Can we just say that the Loud & Proud Snatch Game is a bundle of fun, especially if you know your drag icons and consider yourself something of a genius when it comes to pop culture and celebrities.
Grab S&M: A Beginners Guide and take turns quizzing one another about your personal kinks and fantasies. Whenever a player guesses wrong, they have to remove an item of clothing.
Adult scenes
Poker, Go Fish, Whist , you choose the card game and make the rules. Winner keeps their clothes on, those who lose a round must remove a layer of clothing.
- Planning a group scenario? Break the ice with games like Let’s Fool Around! Designed for two or more players, this card game is made to get you and your lover(s) in the mood, starting with open-ended prompts and ending however you choose.
We can’t wait to hear how your sessions unfold with your new found affection for fun and games.
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